There will become a point on the journey when you will be fed up with the running and chasing. You will realise that it’s not getting you anywhere; in fact by chasing you are likely to be pushing the your twin further away and therefore delaying any union between you two. You will come to realise that you need to stop the chasing and let events unfold in the way they need to. You need to place that trust in the Universe to deliver what you desire. I find it helps to not think of things in terms of chasing and running, but instead think of one of you being the forerunner, and the other the follower. This will help you to have compassion for their part of the journey and patience in allowing your twin to catch up instead of you trying to force things to happen.
The difference with twin flames and manifesting what you desire with other things in your life is that you also will have needed to put in the work yourself so that you no longer need your twin flame in your life. You need to be a vibrational match for a harmonious union with your twin and that means you need to be balanced and whole within yourself. You need to be vibrating at higher frequencies. When you are balanced and whole, you stop looking for things outside of you to fulfill a need. Anything less than this and you are just attracting more of what you don’t want in the relationship between you; you want them whole as well, rather than having the baggage still being there.
It is easy to think that in terms of the physical, that you have stopped making physical contact and demands on someone and think you have surrendered, but you also need to energetically surrender as well. If you still feel the need to have your twin complete you or fill a void for example, you have not surrendered. If you are still giving of a vibration of need or desperation you have not surrendered. Your twin feels this vibration of need or desperation from you.
To truly surrender means that you are in the energy of ‘what will be, will be’. You are no longer chasing the outcome but trusting that the Universe will deliver the outcome that is meant for you. Although you still want union with your twin, you know that you will be fine should there be no union for you in this lifetime. You can meet your own needs and are in your own power. If your twin joins you on this journey together then great, but equally if they don’t then you will carry on living your life to your fullest potential. By surrendering fully you are letting the Universe work with your twin in the time frame that they need to bring them to their awakened state, to clear baggage and heal. You can help your twin by sending them love and healing energetically but other than that you need to trust in the guidance you are given in your journey and allow whatever space is needed.
The surrender stage cannot be forced and can only be reached by doing the work you need to do for your own healing and self-development. It will feel natural to surrender and not painful. It is very likely that you will reach this stage and then realise you feel different and that you truly have surrendered the outcome, you know that ‘what will be, will be’ and that’s fine.