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The Merging and Balancing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

Writer's picture: Happy Twin GoddessHappy Twin Goddess

There are a few key things that need to happen to bring about union between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine; healing of past wounds/baggage, raising the vibration and bringing the energies into balance. All things are key for a harmonious union but as you heal in layers there will be times where the energies will be right to propel you both together, for you to start working together to either bring in harmonious union or to heal towards your harmonious union. We have both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies within us all regardless of gender and before we can have the physical union there must first be the energetic union. You will find at times that you can shift between energies and this is fine to do so but you should maintain an overall balance. This doesn’t need to be a 50/50 split, a 40/60 split between which energy you are currently in is in balance enough. You will find your twin flame counterpart is mirroring this so if you are currently too far into one energy and not balanced you can pretty much guarantee your counterpart will be too.

This is where you really notice that yin/yang energy in play when you are physically together; where you dovetail nicely when you are both healed and in balance. Different times in your life and different tasks will require you to utilise these different energies and this balancing helps you to be able to effectively move through these times or tasks. The more you understand the energies, the more you realise what energy you need to utilise at which time and how best to get the energies to work for you within your life and not work against you. In the physical you may find that your twin flame counterpart is good at things you deem yourself to be weaker at, whereas you are good at things your twin flame counterpart is weaker at, so in harmonious union you will start to work together to utilise the best skills from each of you to get the best results; you understand what you are both best at and allow each other to thrive in these areas and you support each other in your weaker areas, you never undermine your counterpart in these weaker areas.

What is it like when the Divine Masculine is starting to integrate and merge with the Divine Feminine?

When the Divine Masculine really starts to feel into his intuition and let the feminine energy into him, allowing it to integrate, he will find himself starting to believe in true love, feel the love of the feminine and trust the intuitive nudges he has been receiving for some time. It is allowing him to open his heart up to letting the love flow, taking down the barriers he once had stacked against his heart and making him feel safe and secure. He realises he doesn’t need to protect his heart the degree he has been. He is feeling more nurtured, the more he lets this energy in and it is helping to release those fears that love hurts. He can feel the joy that love brings and that it’s starting to override the fears. He will also be finding he is more creative, as ideas start to flow into him. As the Divine Masculine steps more into the feminine energy he needs to make sure that it stays balanced, as he will need to use the masculine energy to take action on the love he feels and for any ideas he generates. If he goes too far into the feminine energy he could risk procrastinating and just dreaming about what he wants to do rather than taking action and taking the next logical steps to bring things into being.

What is it like when the Divine Feminine is starting to integrate and merge with the Divine Masculine?

When the Divine Feminine has been integrating the masculine energy more she may find herself analysing things more. She is taking action in her own life, bringing her creative ideas into physical being and making things happen for her, soul missions or new careers are starting to manifest or build further and she is not waiting around for things to happen. The more she lets the masculine energy in the more she is making things happen for her. As with the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine also needs to make sure that it stays balanced and not go too far into the masculine energy as she don’t want to shut love out, it’s the feminine energy that is allowing the love in, to experience this love and to be creative. If she falls too far into the masculine energy then she becomes too logical which is a hard place for love to thrive, instead she can become task focused and she will start responding to fears and doubts, will start believing that true love can’t work out, that she has deluded herself and will be ignoring her intuition.

Why you need to balance and what happens if you are not in balance.

If both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine go too far into the opposite energy what effectively happens is role reversal and you start the running and chasing again but this time, you have switched your energies completely and need to start the balancing process again but from the opposite approach. You are not operating at your best. You are fighting against each other rather than merging with each other, and if you don’t surrender and let both energies merge you end up with the never ending battle and constantly moving from the extremes of one energy to the other. Even if you have healed everything you need to achieve for union, you won’t get union without being in balance and this balance starts with you internally and then manifests externally. It’s important that you start to recognise the traits of both energies and if you start to find yourself pulling too great into one energy then you can recognise when you need to pull things back towards the centre and a healthier balance.

If you are balanced but not healed sufficiently it will bring about a coming together so that you can progress the healing further to get closer to your harmonious union but you cannot come together whilst you are out of balance. If you are coming together for healing it is no bad thing, just learn what you need to heal and start to work on healing. You will probably find yourself coming out of balance as whatever needs to be healed starts to surface, and that coming out of balance can then bring on another separation which may be needed as part of the healing. If this happens just accept this and do the work to heal and bring the balance back and things can then work themselves out.

If you manage to stay balanced in these energies, and there has been sufficient healing this is when harmonious union really occurs, you are fully merged as one with the energies working perfectly in union to bring out the best results. It is then just about maintenance regarding keeping in balance together as you go through life.


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