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What do all these numbers mean?

Writer's picture: Happy Twin GoddessHappy Twin Goddess

You can get a lot of messages through numbers being presented to you, pay attention to all those you see regularly. You may notice that you are see 111 or 777 or 11:11 or another combination on a regular basis. It is a way for the Universe to communicate with you. Everyone has the ability to develop certain psychic gifts but not everyone is a medium so the Universe needs a number of ways to try and communicate with you and numbers is one of those way. You can come across them in a variety of ways such as car number plates, telephone numbers, spreadsheets, number of views or likes on a page you are reading, the supermarket checkout and many more ways.

Here is a quick guide on common numbers you are likely to come across and what they can indicate is in store for you:

111 – This indicates the starting of something, new beginnings, new passions, new interests, new love, new relationships, new friendships, new clarity or a new phase. It is the beginning of a new cycle for you, a time to start something.

222 – Two is the number of duality. 222 is a reminder that we are not separate, separation is a 3D paradigm, reach into the 5D perspective and you will realise you are not alone, you are loved and you are supported. It can also be a 5D message from your Divine counterpart to remind you of their love for you and that they are always with you in the 5D, as well as a message from the Universe.

333 – This relates to the holy trinity and the mind, body and soul link. It is a reminder that you are a divine being and is saying to us that we should remember why we came here, remember your soul’s plan, your soul’s mission. It’s time to get to work on it, don’t give up now, the Universe is supporting you to succeed, your prayers have been heard.

444 – This is a number of stability. It is also a number about manifesting what you wish for into the physical. So if you are seeing this, set your intentions for what you want to manifest for your life. Remember to keep what you want positive and don’t focus on what you don’t want as you could accidentally manifest this instead.

555 – This is an indication of big changes coming to you soon that will impact your life. Some people see fives as a number of struggle but I think this depends on your perspective. If you are open to these changes you will see these as positive. If you resist, then the changes will happen regardless but you will find them a struggle. Allow yourself to go with the flow of the changes occurring. Don’t let the Universe force you into these changes.

666 – Contrary to the thought that this number is evil or means bad things, it doesn’t. It is a number of healing, a reminder to say that anything you are experiencing that is negative is a result of old thought patterns or behaviours that are no longer serving you. It’s being shown to you to let you know it’s time to heal or clear something to move yourself into smoother times. You will find harmony if you do this. Trust your intuition and it will guide you into these smoother times.

777 – This number is a reminder that you have the Universe protecting you at all times. Call on this protection and ask for guidance. The Universe cannot step in unless you give permission so if you need help just say and guidance and help will be given.

888 – This is the sign of abundance. Good things are coming your way so get ready for them and be open to receive this abundance. The abundance may not be in the way you expect but whatever it is will be good.

999 – This is the closing up of cycles. The final stages of something, tying up loose ends, letting go of something no longer needed or serving you. It is the ending of something to be able to let something else begin.

11:11 – It is a gateway between the the realms. It can be a sign that you are awakening. A shift is occurring. It can be a confirmation of ascension; that you are a lightworker; a twin flame. You notice this when something is shifting in the progress of the connection or something is about to happen. It can also give you an indication that you are progressing on your path. This number will have been coming up for you a lot when meeting your twin flame. You may have also noticed it around the time of separation, just before communication commences again or you see them again. It can also be changes in the 5D and not just physical, it could be a sign that your twin flame is making a breakthrough in certain areas, or maybe you are making that breakthrough. Maybe it’s discovering your soul’s mission. This number is not just for twin flames but for anyone on the ascension journey.

144 – This number is common for lightworkers and twin flames and refers to the 144,000 here with a mission to raise the vibration of humanity and the planet. If you are seeing this regularly you are one of them.

Ascending numbers – You may come across numbers such as 123 or 678 for example. I see these as a time for ascending or things getting lighter. Your vibration is rising. You could find yourself having lots of ideas, feeling creative and generally in a good mood.

Descending numbers – You may come across numbers such as 321 or 765 for example. I see this either as a time for grounding in something or it could be that you are entering a dip in your vibration. If it is a dip, then it will only be a phase that you can soon release yourself from. Take some time out to figure out what has caused this dip.

Balancing Numbers: You may come across numbers that are regularly balanced such as 18:18, 12:12. I look to these as a balancing of energies, you are coming into balance yourself, areas of your life are coming into balance or there is a balance between you and your twin flame counterpart. For specific information regarding what is balancing you can google the number and find out what this means to you. Try searching Angel number and then the number you wish to look up, there will be a number of sites come up, see what resonates with you.

Mirroring Numbers: You may come across numbers regularly that are mirroring themselves, 12:21, 14:41 which I take as a mirroring between the energies. There is something coming through which is mirroring in your life. Maybe it’s something your divine counterpart is mirroring to you or it could be a situation or someone else that is showing a mirror to you for something to look into and address in your life, behaviour or thoughts. Again, try searching Angel number and then the number you wish to look up, there will be a number of sites come up, see what resonates with you.

You may come across a few different numbers in a short space of time, which could be a message in itself. I will give you an example of one message I got after attending a Reiki healing session one day. Within the space of 10 minutes from leaving the session I came across a motorbike with my twin flame’s initials with a ‘x’ next to it (I see that as a kiss), then a car with the number 222 on the number plate, then another car with 444 on the number plate and then a truck with 111 on the number plate. This was also on the day of a new moon which is a good time to set the intentions to manifest something. I took this as a message from my Twin Flame to say ‘I love you, so manifest what you want for our life together in the physical so we can have this new beginning’. At that time it had been a month since we last spoke and I was not sure what was happening between us, so it was a powerful message to set my intentions for what I wanted to create with him for our life together. When I got home I sat there and spent some time really thinking of this, journaling my thoughts and visualising how things would be.

You may also see numbers that don’t fit the patterns above but mean something to you as you see the same number often, maybe it’s a 122 or 8497 or any combination of numbers. There are various on-line numerology sites where you can search the number and find out what this means to you just by putting in the specific number along with ‘Angel number’ in a search engine. You are not limited, any number that appears regularly to you can a message to look into.

So next time you see sequences in numbers take note as there will be a special message for you.

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May 23, 2024

When i first awakened i saw 1111 in my dream. After my kundalini awakening i saw 1010 in a dream… i think when the spirit realm gives you these messages in the astral/dream state- they are so much more meaningful than seeing them on a license plate, etc.

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