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The reason why your Twin Flame is the perfect match for you

Writer's picture: Happy Twin GoddessHappy Twin Goddess

If you have experienced separation from your twin flame you may be wondering 'why has the Universe brought this person to me that was so perfect, and then whip them from under my feet'. You meet this person and the sparks are flying; the attraction is there, the passion, you have a tremendous amount in common with them but not too much to make it boring, you have differences but the differences you have complement each other (a yin yang element to them). For me my Twin was ticking off items on my invisible list when I didn’t even realise that I had a list of requirements. You are feeling like ‘this is the one’, ‘I feel alive’, ‘this feels like home’, ‘I love them’ and then all of a sudden they are gone or you start having big fall outs which leads to your break up and your world comes crashing down.

The Twin Flame journey is largely an inside job, as you need to raise your vibrations from low to high, heal whatever requires healing within yourself and, balance of the masculine and feminine energies in order to bring yourself into union before you can then bring in the physical union. This part of the journey is always done in separation. It is like your twin is the carrot, you do the work and the twin can be the reward down the line (assuming their free will consent), but you also get the benefit of being the best version of you in addition. If your twin was with you then you probably wouldn't feel the need to do the work on yourself, one reason being that if you have your reward already so why work hard on self-development? In addition, they would be too much of a distraction to doing the self-development work you need to do. This is why you need to separate, and why the Universe makes sure this happens once there is enough recognition of the connection between the two of you.

The journey back to union within yourself is not an easy journey as you will have gained a lot of baggage, not just from this lifetime but from all prior lifetimes from when your souls split into two, and all this needs to be cleared. This is why your Twin is so perfect for you as ‘the carrot’ needs to be decent enough for you to persevere through the journey to completion. If they were just average you would give up and move onto the next average person without looking inward.

Even though you may have had many lifetimes where your lives have crossed, it does not mean that the baggage is insurmountable or that you haven’t commenced clearing the baggage in a previous life. You could have started this process in a prior life, but you or your twin did not finish the job in that life for whatever reason, or you could have chosen greater or lesser challenges to come through. Your journey is unique to you and your Twin and you shouldn’t compare your journey to anyone else. Before life your souls both agreed the plan and you knew it would be challenging but also knew it wasn’t so challenging that you couldn’t achieve union so long as you both remembered why you were here and put the work in.

You don't need to be 100% healed to achieve physical union as there will be an element of healing you need to do together when you unite but you need to be mostly healed, enough that it won't trigger one of you to run and so you can talk through the triggers and work out the solution required. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking there must be something else to be healed before you can reunite and you could be setting up another block against union if you don’t acknowledge and trust the information you are receiving. Maybe there is something to heal or maybe you have already done the work, using your intuition and trusting spirit is the key here. Ask for guidance from your Spirit Guides, they will tell you if you have done enough and if you now just need to wait for your twin to catch up. Take note of the dreams you are getting and through connections in meditations, the answers are all there. Just remember you can do this and have everything within you to achieve this; you both planned this so you could.

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1 comentario

23 may 2024

Ive been getting signs of exactly what to heal in my dreams! Things i thought i recovered from, like rejection and shame all constantly get revisited 😅 nice work done! I hope you are progressing on your inner union ♥️

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