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The Different Waves of the Twin Flame Collective – Which one are you in?

Writer's picture: Happy Twin GoddessHappy Twin Goddess

I’m finding that I’m getting requests for guidance from those who seemed to be fairly new to the Twin Flame journey and was wondering about the different waves and how many there are at any particular time that are working towards union. I know I was activated to the journey back in 2011, although I did not come into physical contact with my Divine Masculine counterpart until 2018. There were a lot of things in my life that seemed to be shred in that interim period, and not always by my hand, but by the hand of the Universe. There was a certain amount of lessons and growth I needed to go through first before I got to meet my Twin in the physical so all my interactions were mainly through dreams as I shut myself out to anything else. My activation was a knowing that there was someone going to be entering my life that was the one I was meant to be with. I was given his first name but dismissed it as I was with someone else and although not particularly happy in the relationship I had no plans to exit at that stage. We rubbed along together, my then partner and I, but it wasn’t a relationship that left me satisfied. I then tried to block everything from the Universe regarding this information I was given and hence the Universe stepping in with certain things and why my research into Twin Flames didn’t happen until later. This is not always the case, sometimes it is the physical meeting that triggers the activation to the journey, remember each activation and journey is unique to each set of twins. That said we do tend to belong to a particular wave.

Excluding those who have not been activated to the Twin Flame Journey and those who are in permanent union there are always three waves who are on the journey from activation to union. This union is not relating to physical union between you and your counterpart but referring to your own inner union. It is union of self. This is why not all Twin Flame couples come together in a romantic union in the physical. Once you have reached this union of self you will know in your heart, at a soul level whether physical union with your counterpart was part of the plan or not for this lifetime. It doesn’t mean you won’t experience love in a physical form in this life just because you don’t get a physical romantic reunion with your Twin Flame counterpart. Some counterparts were never meant to be lovers as they can be friends or family members as well as counterparts being a romantic interest. The Twin Flame counterpart’s main job is to wake you up to becoming the best version of yourself and therefore they will trigger you until you do this, and in turn you do this for them. It is a very healing relationship (although at times it may not feel this way). For those whose soul plan was to come into romantic physical union this will only occur once the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine have come into inner union first. It is then the inner union that manifests the outer union experience.

As mentioned before there are three waves always working towards this union of self. These are:

Newly activated Twin Flames – these are those who have entered the journey recently and are trying to understand what it happening. Some of these may have had interactions in dreams, or meditations or a knowing about needing to find the one and have been given little information at this stage such as a name or a vision, they may have stumbled across knowledge of twin flames and will at least be aware of soulmates. Some may have come across information about Twin Flames or come across people who are Twin Flames which has then begun the activation of their journey. For others it will have been a physical meeting of their twin flame counterpart that has led to them to research and come across twin flames and a certain someone they have met possibly being a Twin Flame counterpart. As of writing this in November 2018 I am aware from Spirit at this time there is a new wave who started to be activated since May 2018 and this wave is continuing to come online for a period of three years.

Twin Flames not in communication – these are in more of a mid-way point on average between activation and union. You are aware of something going on with your life, you may have had a lot of changes happening to you; you may or may not know it is Twin Flame journey related depending on if you have tried to block things or whether you have done your research. If you have tried to block things like me, you will later put the dots together and realise this was part of your Twin Flame journey. You may or may not have physically met your twin, you may or may not have had some initial communication in the physical with your twin but it has not materialised into anything and instead there has been no communication for some time (more than just a few months). If there hasn’t been anything in the physical there will have been something going on at a 5D level and in dreamscape to trigger you. There will be a lot of self-development/improvement happening at this stage at a conscious or unconscious level. You have already commenced your healing journey, you will be learning about what you want in life, what you don’t want in life and will have a dissatisfaction of where you are at. You will have a desire for change, this could be complete life changing moments. For those who have heard of the phase ‘mid-life crisis’, this will be exactly what it seems like. You could find yourself changing jobs, making changes to your lifestyle, changing friendships, finding new hobbies and interests and walking away from things that once interested you but you no longer have a passion for. You could also experience times of depression but not everyone will; if you find yourself falling into depression then please seek help from an appropriate medical practitioner. Adapting to the changes in yourself and in your life will help you in this phase as well as re-evaluating your life and taking action for the changes you want to make.

Twin Flames coming into union – this is the third group, who have been working on themselves in a conscious or unconscious way and if you have not met your Twin Flame counterpart in the physical in the earlier stages, you now have. It then triggers off all the final healing to be done between you. You have done what you can healing wise separately but there are areas that you now need each other for to complete the work to come into inner union. This is the group I’ve been told by Spirit that I am in at the time of writing this. This doesn’t mean that you will not separate again in the physical from your twin flame counterpart as the triggers will be huge at times and there will be a need to go back inwards separately to heal that trigger before coming back to trigger of the next part of healing. You will eventually get to a point where the triggers do not mean separation for weeks or months at a time but you can start to heal them together till you get to the point of permanent union. The permanent union of self will mean that you then manifest a physical romantic union (if this was in your soul’s plan), or a lifelong friendship, a harmonious family relationship or it could be that you have separate life plans but continue to work together on things, whatever is in the soul plan will manifest and you will always have that bond between you. The main outcome is that it will be harmonious between you despite which is the right outcome for your soul’s plan.

Within a group there will be a phasing of moving through the stages, energetically not everyone can move into union at exactly the same time as the Universe needs to keep things in overall balance so manages the unions to come together in stages. I have been told that those currently activated (included those in the group being activated over the 3 year period from May 2018 to April 2021) will come into union between now and 9 years’ time. There is some flexibility in when you will come into union, depending on how effective you are at your working through your healing journey, the more effective you are the shorter the time to union. The more you fight against it the longer it will take and you will be towards the back end of your particular group. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen because if you are resisting it, the Universe will step in and take charge to force you to get back on track.

The group that have re-established communication (working on harmonising the connection) will be the first to come into union. Those not in communication will move into communication to commence that harmonisation period before coming into union and those newly activated could possibly go into separation to heal before coming back into communication at a later time to harmonise to union. As twins move into permanent union the next set will get activated until all twins have been activated.

Some of you may be wondering about the groups and thinking I’ve been on this journey a long time why is this? Why am I still not in union? This is because things are now changing. There was an initial wave that needed to get the information out there to help the Twin Flame community along so that the Universe could start working in the wave structure outlined above. You were forerunners on the journey and needed some information to help others. Not everyone took up the mantle to become the knowledge givers and healers, free will plays a part and the Universe activated more than they needed anyway so it wouldn’t be an issue regarding the overall collective plan for unions. Those who were the early wave that are not in a physical union will have joined the middle or later wave group energetically. You also know deep down whether physical union with your counterpart is in your soul’s plan or whether your path was to help the collective and humanity as a whole. Some are just meant to be teachers and healers and those that are will know this and be OK with this. For others this union in the physical with your counterpart is coming but you were needed to help the collective more and so you are working on your soul’s mission first until the time is right for you to step back a little bit and for the physical union to occur. As more twins are activated, more are noticing a call to help the collective and that will then trigger the ability for you to step back a bit for your own union to come into physical being.

For those who didn’t take up the mantle regarding helping the collective by being teachers or healers, don’t worry, you have still joined one of the groups towards union, as said before, more were activated that were needed as the Universe knew that not everyone was going to wake up to that part of the journey with the initial wave and you will not be punished for it. You may not realise, but you have been helping the collective and humanity as a whole. Every time you have tried to help someone by sharing your experiences, giving someone some friendly advice or offered some physical help or giving someone a supportive boost, this has all counted and helped and the Universe recognises this.

Wherever you are on your journey, you will be fine and inner union will be reached as that has always been in the plan.

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