You may have never experienced telepathy before but as you and your twin share the same energetic frequency, telepathy is much easier. The telepathy will be happening before you become aware of it but once you do become aware it you can then consciously practice it so it then becomes easier to understand what you are receiving and giving out telepathy.
I wanted to share my story about how I became aware of the telepathic connection between my twin and I and how I realised the importance of raising your vibration to assist in your connection. I had never been consciously telepathic with anyone else before I met my Twin and it was a couple of weeks after we first separated following our whirlwind romance that I actually noticed that some of what I was experiencing was telepathy. One day I suddenly got a feeling that he needed to know that I was alright, that he was feeling bad for how things went and was feeling guilt. He had known that I’d been through bereavement and he was feeling that he had hurt someone vulnerable and had been beating himself up for it. Not being very awake at the time I could not understand why I was suddenly thinking this. The feeling did not go away all day, and all the while I was thinking I can’t contact him yet, he will think I’m chasing but the urge was growing, I couldn't shake it. I just couldn’t trust, at that stage, the information I was receiving. In the end I asked the Universe for a sign that it was OK to make contact, I got the confirmation later in the afternoon and knew it was OK to make this contact but also knew that I needed to word things carefully. In the evening I composed a text message and surprisingly the words came to me fluently; I didn’t need to think hard about what to say, it just flowed. There was no expectation for a response and no questions to be responded to, it was sent with nothing but unconditional love. I felt happy that it would bring comfort to him and would stop him worrying and feeling guilty. I clicked send and thought nothing more about it. About 20 minutes later I suddenly got a feeling of love and bliss coming from the heart chakra and couldn’t help but have a big smile on my face. I knew at that moment he had received and read my text, and it had brought the comfort to him that he needed right then. As expected I didn’t get a response right then, it took another month before I heard from him but I had not written it to get a response.
The next day I asked a psychic regarding the experience I had felt, and the knowing that he had received my text and got comfort from it, and they confirmed that this was telepathy between us and he had felt that same feeling too. She said he had wanted to respond and tell me what happened but felt he couldn’t.
There have been many other times since then that I’ve felt things telepathically. I have had instances of precognition in the past but I came to realised that I am also Clairaudient and Clairsentient and have worked on developing these skills so that I could better understand the messages that are both being received and given. It takes a little while to build the skills in your telepathic communication and at the time of writing this I cannot say that I could say exactly what my twin is thinking at any given time but I can feel the energy that is emitting from him and whether he is feeling good, sad, frustrated etc and I believe I can tell when he is thinking of me. I know he feels what I’m emitting too and this is why it is important to raise your vibration.
Even if your twin doesn’t yet understand the telepathy they feel it and react to it, and this makes it even more important to try and keep your vibrations high and send loving energy. This is so much more important when your twin is not aware of the impact of the transmitting of energetic vibration. The lack of consciousness means they are not aware of this coming from an outside force and it will have an effect on them, it also means that they may then not be effective in transmuting this to a higher vibration if being sent low vibration energy. On knowing this when you receive anything that is lower vibration from the connection you can then choose to transmute this energy into higher vibration and emit that higher vibration back. Don’t allow yourself to sit with the lower vibration for long as it will in turn lower your own vibration and then you emit this back to your twin. It takes a bit of practice to distinguish between their energy and yours at first but over time you notice the distinction, and if you are not sure you can always ask your Spirit Guides as to whether the feelings belong to you or not. The telepathy will come in other forms as well as feelings. For me I experience things audibly as well, especially in respect of hearing songs with messages which come from out of nowhere. I have also heard verbal messages as well at times.
As you develop spiritually you open up your gifts more and this includes your telepathic gifts so if it feels hard to begin with don’t worry as with time and practice it gets easier.