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What is the dark night of the soul and what should I do about it

Writer's picture: Happy Twin GoddessHappy Twin Goddess

The dark night of the soul descends on us at a time when the soul needs you to listen to it and you have been ignoring it; or needs you to shred a lot of hurt and baggage it has been carrying in order to propel you into a new chapter in your life. It can come on totally unexpectedly, you may have felt that your life was ticking along OK and then it hits. There is often an underlying reason for this that you will be consciously or unconsciously aware of. Twin flames are highly likely to go into a dark night of the soul, and may even have more than one dark night of the soul. It is to cleanse you.

How to identify if you are going through a dark night of the soul:

· You feel that your life is stagnant;

· You have lost your drive to continue with the things you have always done as they no longer bring you the same level of satisfaction they once did;

· You feel like everything is hitting you at once;

· Things are not going right for you or at least it seems that way to you;

· You have a desire for more in your life, you may or may not realise what this desire for more is yet;

· Your emotions seem all over the place and you are overwhelmed;

· You have a desire to run away or hide away from the world to process your thoughts, feelings and everything that is coming up for you.

You may have all of these symptoms or some of them (there may be others that I haven’t listed). But you can be sure that if you have ticked a number of these, you are likely in a dark night of the soul.

The main thing you need to do is listen to what your soul is telling you. It is battling against your ego mind and your ego mind is fighting back. The ego is there to keep us safe, it is meant to challenge the soul but in a supportive way. Many, many, many years ago the ego had a greater importance in keeping us safe, when we were hunter gatherers and the dangers in place were different. Things have evolved in the world but the ego didn’t and therefore still struggles to step back out of the way of the soul. This is where you go into the battle between the soul and the ego mind and one has to win out as the more dominant. The thing is, the soul doesn’t want to give up on getting its message out there and understood, and will keep going until the ego backs down and works in a supportive manner with the soul.

As part of this battle the ego will bring up every reason not to make the changes in your life that the soul is calling you to do. It is saying that you’re comfortable where you are, why change things, you could get hurt, things might not work out, what happens if you fail. Every fear and hurt will be pulled to the surface to give a reason why you should not proceed with the changes the soul is calling you to do. The soul is determined to change though, it wants you to grow and it wants you to achieve your soul’s mission you set out for your life. It knows that now is the time to propel you forwards in life and is telling the ego to shut up and let this happen.

You have to help the ego relax into this supportive role. The only way to do this is to face these fears and past hurts. You have to feel everything you are going through and try and understand these fears. You need to understand what caused the fears; what are these past hurts causing them. It is a very painful process to go through this and although you may want to be alone, don’t isolate yourself so much that you don’t ask for help if you need it. There are times in this that you need to be alone to process your thoughts and feelings and analyse them, to understand why you feel what you feel and think what you think, but don’t get stuck in this. If you start feeling so overwhelmed you consider harming yourself or feel you cannot cope with it, please, please, please seek help, whether it is from a Doctor, Mental Health Practitioner, Counsellor, or Therapist. Even if you are coping with it don’t be afraid to seek help in moving through it through Counselling, Energy Healing, Therapy, Life Coaching and Meditation. There will only be so much healing you can do by yourself and it is important to recognise when you need additional tools to help move you forward and to release what’s coming up for you, and which ones you should utilise.

Once you are in a position to understand those fears and past hurts you can then look into healing them. It is by feeling and understanding them you can then release them. Things will come to the surface that you have buried long ago, there may be things come up that you didn’t even realise were affecting you. Sometimes things come up that you felt you already dealt with. Once you start working on healing and releasing these, things will start to get easier. It doesn’t mean you are completely healed and nothing else will come up but it does mean that you will start tackling what comes up in a more manageable way as long as you take note.

It helps to keep a journal of what you are going through to help you through these times, and to analyse what’s behind the thoughts and feelings. You can do things such as write letters to people that have caused you hurt (it’s not about sending the letter, just getting it out on paper can be therapeutic, you can then burn the letter to release its impact). It is also very important to forgive, not just to forgive your past and other people but to also forgive yourself. You are also responsible for things that have happened in your life, there may have been times you should not have allowed a situation to continue, or should have stood up for yourself or others but didn’t and it’s left an imprint. Forgive yourself for this. You have to let this go to move into the future without limitations.

Inner child healing work and past life healing work also helps as there is a lot we can pull forward into this life and from early childhood that affects us throughout our life. There are free meditations online you can try but you may find it more beneficial to also seek healing in this respect from someone experienced in this type of healing.

What is important to remember through this is that you can get through this, utilise the tools and support available to you to help you through. The darkness will fade and you can come into the light, but first you need to understand and release the darkness to get there, you can and will do this.



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